
Call for Proposals 22nd IAFeS NETTIES Conference (Network Entities), May 19-20, 2025

Call for Proposals

Innovation & Impact

human-centered solutions

for the age of digital transformation and artificial intelligence

in regional and global contexts

22nd IAFeS NETTIES Conference (Network Entities)

ΙAFeS – International Association for eScience

in collaboration with European University E³UDRES²

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences,

Campus Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten, Austria

May 19 – 20, 2025

Distinguished Colleagues,

IAFeS – International Association for Sciences has the pleasure of inviting you to submit your proposal for the NETTIES (Network Entities) Conference 2025 at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, the Austrian Campus of the E³UDRES² European University Alliance from 19 – 20 May 2025. 

We are looking for scientific work, promising ideas, critical reflections, good practices,… to be presented and discussed in short pitches, scientific talks, round-tables and (interactive) workshops.

Selected Papers will be published as a special publication with an ISBN number together with contributions from previous NETTIES-conferences and invited experts. Authors will be sent a printed copy of the publication as soon as it is available.

The 22nd NETTIES Conference will be linked to the E³UDRES² Science Festival.

IAFeS supports the concept of interdisciplinarity and welcomes submissions from all scientific areas that deal with scientific results, promising concepts, critical reflections, visionary ideas and/or best practices related to the topic:

Innovation & Impact:

Human-centered solutions

for the age of digital transformation and artificial intelligence

in regional and global contexts

The conference theme triggers an interplay between society, ecology and economy, education, research and innovation and spans the boundaries between diverse scientific disciplines, including, for example, computer science, engineering, education, natural sciences, humanities, economics, art and design, philosophy and theology…

Innovation is the key to mastering diverse challenges in a rapidly changing world in the age of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence. Creative ideas, scientific expertise and research outputs are relevant sources but to maximize impact it is necessary to turn them into societal and economic value in the form of new products, processes and services to maximize impact.

One the one hand, the world’s innovation capacity is concentrated in a few global centres that are closely connected to top-ranked universities and in many aspects controlled by powerful executives of the major (technology) companies whose products, services and platforms shape our daily lives.

One the other hand, it is evident that regional innovation ecosystems are particularly important for human-centred, challenge-based innovation that is promoted by regionally-anchored higher education institutions that play an important role in their communities as well as small and medium-sized enterprises that make significant contributions to resilient and sustainable economic output within and for their regions. Recent publications and policy-reports point out that especially in Europe innovation needs a strong push and closing existing innovation gaps is key

IAFeS therefore invites experienced experts from science and practice as well as young talents and any interested people to an interdisciplinary dialogue about innovation and impact in the age of digital transformation and artificial intelligence in regional and global contexts during the 22nd NETTIES Conference, 19 – 20 May 2025 in St. Pölten/Austria.

How do we have to shape (higher) education, research and innovation to increase societal and economic impact? How can global innovations in the age of digital transformation and AI serve regional needs to create human-centered impact? How can regional innovation ecosystems can be strengthened? How can regional innovation create global impact?

These and numerous other questions about Innovation and Impact – human centered solutions in the age of digital transformation and AI can only be answered through close collaboration between a wide range of disciplines, industries and generations. IAFeS therefore invites experienced experts from science and practice as well as young talents and any interested people to an interdisciplinary dialogue during the 22nd NETTIES conference, 19 – 20 May 2025 in St. Pölten/Austria.


Contributions to the 22nd Netties Conference may relate to (but are not limited to) any of the following subtopics:

  • Innovation & Knowledge Management
  • Impact Driven Research & Advanced Research Assessment
  • Digital Solutions & Deep Tech for Regions
  • AI Impact on Education and Research – Technological and Ethical Considerations
  • AI Divides / AI Includes – Biases & Gaps between North and South, East and West, urban and rural regions
  • Creative Industries for Regions Identity
  • Digital Health, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion for Regions
  • Rotting Brians? – Effects and impact of social media on regional and global levels
  • Any other sub-topic related to innovation and impact

IAFeS is looking for contributions to the 22nd Netties-Conference in one of the following formats:

  • Keynotes
    (20min presentation + 10min discussion; only on invitation)
  • Scientific Presentations
    (15min presentation of scientific results, good practices,… + 5min discussion)
  • Short Pitches
    (5min presentation of provocative thoughts, creative ideas, visionary approaches,…)
  • Co-Creation Workshops

(90-180 minutes; any interactive workshop format for co-ideation, co-creation and group discussion)

  • Panel Discussions

(60 minutes; 3 experts, 1 host/moderator)


Submit an abstract of your contribution (max. 1 page) that indicates the associated subtopic (if applicable) and the format and  includes the title, up to five keywords, a short description and links to additional information (optional) together with your short bio (max. 200 words) as soon as possible but no later than 17 March 2025 to office@eudres.eu

Notification of Acceptance

31 March 2025

Conference Fee

80 Euro

25 Euro for students

Free of Charge for registered student participants

Free of Charge for IAFeS members

Free of Charge for employees of (associated) members of the European University E³UDRES²

Draft Program

19 May 2025

10:00 CET:       Pre-Conference Workshops

14:00 CET:       Presentations & Discussions
15:30 CET:       Coffee Break

16:00 CET:       Workshops

18:15 CET:       Reception / Get-Together

20 May 2025

09:30 CET:       Co-Creation Workshops

11:30 CET:       Coffee Break

12:00 CET:       Keynotes

13:00 CET:       Lunch Break

14:00 CET:       Presentations & Discussions

15:30 CET:       Coffee Break

16:00 CET:       Co-Creation Workshops / Presentations & Discussions

18:15 CET:       Reception / Get-Together


As part of the E³UDRES² Science Festival the 22nd Netties Conference is co-hosted together with E³UDRES², the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions (www.eudres.eu) and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (https://www.fhstp.ac.at/en).

E³UDRES² Science Festival

As the NETTIES Conference is part of the E³UDRES² Science Festival; participants are welcome and have free access to other events and activities like:

19-20 May 2025: Pint of Science

21 May 2025: Science Communication Workshop

21 May 2025: International Workshop on Academic Careers

21 May 2025: E³UDRES² Research Showcase

Event location

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, the Austria Campus of the European University E³UDRES²

Campus Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten / Austria, www.fhstp.ac.at

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