The history of IAFES goes back to 1994 when our scientific searches and ideas in the field of Telematics, such as Teleducation – Telework – Teleconference – Telemedicine, brought into contact colleagues from European Institutes and Universities.
The association, whose activity is not directed towards profit, aims:
IAFES’s activities undertaken until now are various: it has organized several annual International Conferences on Networking Entities (Netties), workshops, intensive courses, Summer Schools and Summer Universities.
This is achieved through the following actions:
a) Foster new methods for the expansion of Telematic Applications and improve the understanding of Telematic Application practices through the European Union.
b) Establish mechanism for the industrial participation in the activities of the Association.
c) Promote continues education for Under- and Post-graduate studies in order to improve skills in Telematic Applications.
d) Contribute to initiatives of the European Commission concerning the education and research in Universities, Polytechnics and other Institutes of Higher Education on similar subjects.
e) Establish a strong technological research net and develop research on Telematic Applications and encourage the exchange of staff and students between collaborating institutions.
f) Promote Telematic Applications for improvement in living and working conditions for all and especially for disable elderly and people with special needs.
The Association pursues its objectives by taking actions based on activities such as:
a) Create and maintain a data bank on courses within collaborated research centers, organizations and institutions of Higher Education through the European Union concerned with education in Telematic applications.
b) Establish a network for information exchange within higher education institutes. Also, we are trying to include in this network organizations and industries that produce and support Telematic Applications.
c) Organizing in different nation conferences and symposia.
d) Publishing an informational newsletter, which will be send to the members of the association twice a year. (e-mail)
e) Collaborating with other international organizations with common interests.
f) Organizing annually an international conference, and publishing its proceedings.
Prof. Zeibekakis was the founder of EATA. He also was the „engine“ for the organisation. IAFeS is supporting young researchers. For different events IAFeS gives a scholarship, which has the name of Prof. Zeibekakis, GR
Dr. Jorma Keinänen, Oulu Institute of Technology (Finland), Savvas Kazekidis University Cyprus (Cyprus), Johann Günther, Danube University Krems (Austria), Gregory Zeibekakis, Prof. T.E.I. Piräus (Greece), Panayiotis Kikilias, Professor in the Τ. Ε.Ι of Piraeus and later its President. , Graham Orange University of Leeds (UK)