The 1st International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development intends to establish itself as an interdisciplinary forum where scholars, entrepreneurs and policy makers could bring and compare their visions, researches and experiences on how the “smartness” of the learning ecosystems (schools, campus, working places, informal learning contexts, etc.), sustained by the technologies, can influence the economical development, foster the social innovation and educate aware and active present and future citizens.
The three main macro-topics of interest concerning Smart Learning Ecosystems and their role in the development of smart city and regions are:
• understanding influences, relations and models to include
– vision, strategies and processes
– interplay between formal and informal learning
– new educational models
– continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, process
– sharing & participatory practices
– use of public space & goods
– dual education
– open access to any resource and disparity
– capacity building and social capital
– cultural influences
– monitoring and benchmarking of smartness of learning ecosystems
– orchestration: complexity and its government
– challenges by smart cities and regions to smart learning environments
• abilities, skills and competences to include
– general frameworks
– design, data and other relevant literacies
– relation with digital skills & competences
– strategies to foster acquisition included gamification: pedagogical, social challenges
– monitoring, evaluation and awareness
– literacies, skill and competences of smart citizens
• techno ecoystems to include
– open & big data management and their application in education
– interoperability of data & services
– safety & security
– privacy
– trustability
– IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technological supports
– geolocalized information
– mediation role of technologies