Open Data and Big Data – The Impact on Digital Society and Smart Cities. IAFeS – International Association for eScience, Biberstrasse 4/4 A 1010 Vienna Austria, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-9503983-1-1.
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@book{OpenDataBigData2015, title = {Open Data and Big Data – The Impact on Digital Society and Smart Cities}, url = {/open-data-and-big-data-the-impact-on-digital-society-and-smart-cities/, Open Data and Big Data}, isbn = {978-3-9503983-1-1}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-03-08}, urldate = {2015-03-08}, booktitle = {Open Data and Big Data – The Impact on Digital Society and Smart Cities}, publisher = { IAFeS – International Association for eScience}, address = {Biberstrasse 4/4 A 1010 Vienna Austria}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} }