IAFeS Stronger Together? Shaping Higher Education, Research and Innovation with and for Artificial Intelligence
21st IAFeS NETTIES Conference (Network Entities)
ΙAFeS – International Association for eScience
in collaboration with European University E³UDRES²
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences,
Campus Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten, Austria
May 21 – 23, 2024

Distinguished Colleagues,
IAFeS – International Association for Sciences has the pleasure of inviting you to submit your scientific work, promising ideas, critical reflections, good practices,…
for the NETTIES (Network Entities) Conference 2024 in St. Pölten, Austria, 21-23 May.
All papers will be published as a special publication with an ISBN number. Authors will get a printed copy of the publication.
The 21st NETTIES Conference will be linked to 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference „Stronger Together – Fostering Transnational Cooperation in Applied Universities“ and the 2nd YTIC – Young Talents International Conference, „Today’s Gamechangers Are Those Who Invest in Research And Innovation“ both of which take place at the same time on the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences campus.
IAFeS supports the concept of interdisciplinarity and welcomes submissions from all scientific areas that deal with scientific results, promising concepts, critical reflections, visionary ideas and/or best practices related to the topic:
Stronger Together? – Shaping Higher Education, Research and Innovation for/with Artificial Intelligence
The conference theme triggers an interplay between society, ecology and economy, education, research and innovation and spans the boundaries between diverse scientific disciplines, including, for example, computer science, engineering, education, natural sciences, humanities, economics, art and design, philosophy and theology…
Research, development and implementation of so-called artificial intelligence has been going on for many years, even if the associated algorithms, technologies and services initially found their way into everyday life rather slowly and therefore largely unnoticed by the general public. But with the introduction of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, AI quickly moved into the public awareness. Since then, controversial discourses have been going on both in the media and a wider public, in politics, administration, business and art, as well as in a wide variety of scientific disciplines, which are not always conducted with the depth and competence required for the various complex questions.
Of course, the age of artificial intelligence has long since begun and the further development of this groundbreaking technology can no longer be stopped. Regulation through legal framework conditions will also only be possible to a limited extent, at least in a global context.
It is evident that higher education, research and innovation must transform rapidly to meet the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. Conversely, there is no doubt that artificial intelligence not only changes numerous methods, tools and content in higher education, research and innovation, but also fundamentally calls them into question or completely replaces them. Therefore, in the context of AI, intensive discussions about teaching, learning and assessment methods, ethical questions, STE(A)M competencies, future skills and curricula, upcoming research topics, tools and workflows, etc. are in full swing, not only at universities.
How do we have to shape higher education, research and innovation for and with AI? What fundamental questions need to be considered? What opportunities, needs, challenges and threats arise? Which relevant approaches are already being implemented? Which good practices can be exemplary? What mistakes can we already learn, what experiences can we benefit from?
These and numerous other questions about the development and use of AI can only be answered through close collaboration between a wide range of disciplines, industries and generations. IAFeS therefore invites experienced experts from science and practice as well as young talents and any interested people to an interdisciplinary dialogue about AI during the 21st NETTIES conference „Stronger together? – Shaping Higher Education, Research and Innovation with/for AI“, 21-23 May 2024 in St. Pölten/Austria.
Temporary Programme
21 May 2024
09:30 CET: Official Opening & Keynote
10:30 CET: Presentations & Discussions
13:00 CET: Lunch Break
14:00 CET: Presentations & Discussions
17:00 CET: Option to visit of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences campus and labs
IAFeS General Assembly (IAFeS members only)
18:00 CET: Reception (together with EURASHE Annual Conference)
22 May 2024
09:30 CET: Keynote and Plenary Session, 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference (optional)
Workshop „Shaping Higher Education, Research and Innovation with/for AI“
11:30 CET: Presentations & Discussions
13:00 CET: Lunch Break
14:15 CET: Keynote and Plenary Session, 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference (optional)
Workshop „Shaping Higher Education, Research and Innovation with/for AI“
18:30 CET: Conference Gala Dinner, 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference (optional)
23 May 2024
9:30 CET: Presentations & Discussions
11:30 CET: Conclusion & Closing of the Conference
12:15 CET: Closing Keynote & Conclusion, 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference (optional)
Submit an abstract of your presentation (max. 1 page) together with your short bio (max. 200 words) as soon as possible but no later than 24 March 2024 to hannes.raffaseder@fhstp.ac.at
Notification of Acceptance
15 April 2024
Conference Fee
150 Euro
50 Euro for registered participants of 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference
25 Euro for students
Free of Charge for registered student participants of 2nd Young Talents International Conference
Free of Charge for IAFeS members
Speakers of the 21st NETTIES Conference get a 50% discount for the 33rd EURASHE Annual Conference (Gala Dinner included).
E³UDRES², the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions, www.eudres.eu
Event location
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, the Austria Campus of the European University E³UDRES²
Campus Platz 1, 3100 St. Pölten / Austria, www.fhstp.ac.at