Call for Papers 19th NETTIES Conference, St. Jakob in Defereggen, Austria, September 22 – 23, 2022
Call for Papers
“Focus on the future – a summit meeting for pioneers”,
“Innovation with a future”,
“Technologies with a future”
19th NETTIES Conference
(Network Entities) ΙAFeS – International Association for eScience
in collaboration with N´CYAN
St. Jakob in Defereggen (East Tyrol), Austria,
September 22 – 23, 2022
Distinguished Colleagues,
IAFeS – International Association for Sciences has the pleasure of inviting you to submit your scientific work for the NETTIES (Network Entities) Conference 2022 in St. Jakob in Defereggen (East Tyrol), Austria, September 22 – 23.
All papers will be published as a special publication with an ISBN number. Authors will be sent a printed copy of the publication after the conference.
Supporting the concept of interdisciplinarity, we welcome submissions in all academic fields. The subjects are:
“Focus on the future – a summit meeting for pioneers”,
“Innovation with a future”,
“Technologies with a future”
Researchers from all fields are welcome to present their work from areas such as Law, Ethics, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, Theology, Engineering and more.
The conference subject should be an interplay of Society, Education, ICT and Philosophy
Send the title of your presentation till August 31th and a short summary till September 15th 2022 to
The length of the initial application should be no more than one side of A4.
Target groups
Academics, educators, innovators, entrepreneurs, from business field and many more.
The aim is for members of these target groups to begin a dialogue under the umbrella of the conference title.
Registration and Administration:
- 50 Euro
- 20 Euro for students
- IAFeS members: free of charge
N’Cyan – Zukunft im FoKus –
N’Cyan – Innovation für Menschen –
N’Cyan is targeting the use of synergies between rural regions and urban centers, human relationships and digital technologies. In this respect it is also using synergies, when we merge the conference with NETTIES.
Event location in St. Jakob i.D.
Unterrotte 6, A-9963 St. Jakob in Defereggen, Austria